We started a Mommy Circle when I was pregnant mostly to get support from others instead of getting paranoid by readying too many books. We met regularly at my home to hang out, exchange information and watch our babies play together. Sometimes we were just a few of us and other times we had bigger parties with Daddies and friends joining in.
Everybody can start a local Mommy Circle! You can simply use a Yahoo Group to keep in touch. We sometimes tell each other when we go places, so each mommy who wants to join can meet with others at the park or wherever. And often people have questions, which can be posted on the Yahoo Group. Its all about community and mutual support! So if you are expecting a baby, start your own Mommy Circle! You will most likely meet a lot of new people--- mostly mommies and mommies to be. Just get their email address and have a party!
Everybody can start a local Mommy Circle! You can simply use a Yahoo Group to keep in touch. We sometimes tell each other when we go places, so each mommy who wants to join can meet with others at the park or wherever. And often people have questions, which can be posted on the Yahoo Group. Its all about community and mutual support! So if you are expecting a baby, start your own Mommy Circle! You will most likely meet a lot of new people--- mostly mommies and mommies to be. Just get their email address and have a party!