SINGA’s birth was the most amazing experience in my life and not at all what I had imagined. Everything felt at ease and just perfect--- even the pain was part of this unforgettable event and really didn’t matter. I realized that my meditation practice helped me a lot. If one is about to give birth to a new being nothing is more important than to be in the moment and to experience it to the fullest. But shouldn’t it be like that for everything in life?!? The fact that the birth took place at home in my own world with my loved ones by my side was such a gift. Until dawn we had a nice tea party and there was so much love in the room that I cried out of happiness at one point… I had Azita, my friend, as my doula. She gave me an acupuncture treatment, which helped me to calm down and also opened up my cervix--- that shortened my actual birthing time to about 4 hours. SINGA was born under a palm tree of a kid’s inflatable swimming pool at 9:30 AM. After a full moon night with a peace dove visiting us during dawn hours right when the first sunrays peaked over the fence… I am so grateful for every moment and everybody who was part of this, in person and in spirit! Thank YOU.
Something on the side for mommies to be: I can recommend a “doula” for everyone since she can aid you and make decisions for you if necessary. Especially in a hospital you might not know what to do or say at some point and then you can be sure that your doula will decide whatever is best for you. One other thing I would like to mention here is that every woman should try to give birth the natural way. It is so empowering to go through the whole process and experience every step the way it is meant to by nature. Unfortunately sometimes it’s not possible without medication. But today to many people are afraid of the natural way and instead schedule a caesarian way beforehand. They forget that it can also lead to many complications and is not the proper way for a child to come into this world… I will stop here before I go too far. But we know that everything starts in our mind. So simply know that we can do it and at least try!