SINGA with Oma + Opa

Summer 2005 we spend with Oma + Opa doing many exciting activities plus a lot of hanging out at home and fixing up our house + garden... This little video shows you the beauty and sacredness of an extented family enjoying life together!
SINGAs piggyback ride

SINGA always loves a piggyback ride in myPouch--- especially when he can play with other kids And they usually love it just as much. The girl in the video wanted to take SINGA with her to school instead of her bag-pack. Anna Lena said:Hes lighter and much more fun than my books Can I take him to school tomorrow?!? Please Mommy!!! 8)
SINGA in Germany

During the Holidays we always try to be with our family! Thats always the best place to be, especially when it gets cold and melancholic outside We often cuddled up next to my parents wood burning Kamin, but we also had a great time going on walks in the forest behind our house--- Opa and Mommy where always fighting about who could carry SINGA in myPouch And before we went back to America after spening 4 month in Haiger, we left many myPouch creations with my cousin Carola, who decided to become the distributor for myPouch in Europe. Lucky us--- everything always falls into place!
SINGA in Tunisia

We had a great time in Tunisia with Oma + Opa, where we escaped to from cold Germany for 2 weeks in Winter 2004. It was great hanging out on empty beaches with SINGA crawling around, eating sand and riding a camel in myPouch we learned a lot about the North African culture, i.e. when SINGA got sick, a Tunisian mom poured Olive Oil and Orange Water all over him telling us that thats the way they do it. Anywhere we went, SINGA was always center of attention and we couldnt rescue him from hundreds of kisses from all the locals they are so much more affectionate than we are accustomed to and all said that he could be Tunisian and wanted to keep him. I guess SINGA will be an ambassador wherever we go. Well find out 8)
SINGA in Hollywood

Get a little insight on how it feels to be behind the scenes in Hollywood. SINGA was nicely tucked away in myPouch until McHammer wanted to play with him
SINGA's first swim

We took SINGA to a pool nearby when he was 3 months old and he loved it so much that we always make an afford to go swimming with him as much as possible. SINGA was never afraid of the water. In fact there are many benefits about baby swimming--- self confidence, good sense of balance, safety around water, etc When we go swimming now, SINGA is already jumping into the pool by himself without worrying that he will be under water for a while (I am always much more concerned about that than him) or he is holding on to my shoulders to ride on my back when I swim. I will let you know when he learned to swim on his own...
SINGA's Circle

This is our home where we CREATE, MEDITATE + CELEBRATE.
These words are written in big orange letters on our fence and we live our life following them as much as possible!
Next to a large fishpond with many happy fish in it we have many unusual structures in our backyard, such as a modern cave, which used to be another fishpond and will be SINGAs room when he gets older; a stage, which is actually the roof of the cave; a tree house, which George Clinton calls the Mothership; our former meditation hall with a pyramid roof, which is now the perfect place for our floating bed; an open air work space where the creative juices flow easily for SINGA + Mommy. As you can imagine--- sometimes we dont leave our place for days and it never gets boring! Come and hang out with us some time when you are in the City of Angels
These words are written in big orange letters on our fence and we live our life following them as much as possible!
Next to a large fishpond with many happy fish in it we have many unusual structures in our backyard, such as a modern cave, which used to be another fishpond and will be SINGAs room when he gets older; a stage, which is actually the roof of the cave; a tree house, which George Clinton calls the Mothership; our former meditation hall with a pyramid roof, which is now the perfect place for our floating bed; an open air work space where the creative juices flow easily for SINGA + Mommy. As you can imagine--- sometimes we dont leave our place for days and it never gets boring! Come and hang out with us some time when you are in the City of Angels
SINGA's poop

Have you heard about Elimination Communication or Diaper Free Babies? A friend sent me an email about this topic when SINGA was born and I didnt really look at first. But when we tried it just for fun when SINGA was 2 months old, he pooped and peed in our bucket right away--- and ever since we didnt really use diapers much! Only one at night or when we didnt want to think much You dont have to be radical about it, simply give your baby the chance to live diaper free as much as you can afford! They say that you have to start before 4 months of age otherwise they get used to diapers and it will be more difficult.
There are great websites to find out more about EC. Check out:
There are great websites to find out more about EC. Check out:
SINGA "nackedei"

I guess you all know how good it feels to be naked!?!
And our babies like it even more since that is where they came from!
SINGA was (and still is) naked a lot of times, pretty much whenever it is warm enough and were in good companyor alone... 8) Part of the movie you can watch was taken at a Pekip Group in Germany. Moms and their little ones meet regularly to play together--- and all the babies are naked! Its a lot of fun and infants can move much better without their big diapers and uncomfortable clothes on. You can get more info under
And our babies like it even more since that is where they came from!
SINGA was (and still is) naked a lot of times, pretty much whenever it is warm enough and were in good companyor alone... 8) Part of the movie you can watch was taken at a Pekip Group in Germany. Moms and their little ones meet regularly to play together--- and all the babies are naked! Its a lot of fun and infants can move much better without their big diapers and uncomfortable clothes on. You can get more info under
SINGA's party

We started a Mommy Circle when I was pregnant mostly to get support from others instead of getting paranoid by readying too many books. We met regularly at my home to hang out, exchange information and watch our babies play together. Sometimes we were just a few of us and other times we had bigger parties with Daddies and friends joining in.
Everybody can start a local Mommy Circle! You can simply use a Yahoo Group to keep in touch. We sometimes tell each other when we go places, so each mommy who wants to join can meet with others at the park or wherever. And often people have questions, which can be posted on the Yahoo Group. Its all about community and mutual support! So if you are expecting a baby, start your own Mommy Circle! You will most likely meet a lot of new people--- mostly mommies and mommies to be. Just get their email address and have a party!
Everybody can start a local Mommy Circle! You can simply use a Yahoo Group to keep in touch. We sometimes tell each other when we go places, so each mommy who wants to join can meet with others at the park or wherever. And often people have questions, which can be posted on the Yahoo Group. Its all about community and mutual support! So if you are expecting a baby, start your own Mommy Circle! You will most likely meet a lot of new people--- mostly mommies and mommies to be. Just get their email address and have a party!
SINGA’s second womb

I think the very next day I started sewing together a piece of green suede, I decorated it with some beads and we were ready to go! SINGA liked being carried in it but for some reason we didn’t use it very much. Maybe it was too pretty?!? So eventually we would need something else…
SINGA’s 1st day at the beach

We simply enjoyed to first 40 days together and didn’t even miss going out--- well, one day we did! That was when the weather was so amazing that the beach was calling us… 8) We took SINGA to La Piedra, a stretch of paradise in Malibu. I didn’t have a baby carrying device then other than the car seat and Opa had to hike down with SINGA in it--- not very convenient… I think that was the first moment I felt that we needed something other than a stroller or a car seat and while I was laying on the beach, I thought of a design for a baby sling...
SINGA's Laundry Basket

Now I wonder why I didn’t carry SINGA much for the first 2 months, but he seemed so content simply watching the world go by… He was always right were I was in his little cushioned laundry basket. SINGA was laying underneath our trees a lot and he loved looking at the leaves dancing in the wind. We often put some fresh flowers next to him and the birds in our back yard were singing happily for SINGA… there was no need for busy mobiles or noisy toys.
These were the days before myPouch entered our life.
These were the days before myPouch entered our life.
SINGA’s 40 days at home

We stayed home with SINGA for the first 40 days as much as possible.
This is a tradition many cultures still practice today. They believe that the baby’s soul is still not really in this World. They say it is still in transition from there to here...
We did the same because it simply didn’t feel right to expose our little angel to anything other than our loving home. Most things in our crazy world are too intense for a newborn, I think. We managed well to go shopping real quick while he was sleeping and Oma + Opa where watching him. We all were sleeping a lot after all… cuddled up nicely all the time 8)
SINGA's Birth

SINGA’s birth was the most amazing experience in my life and not at all what I had imagined. Everything felt at ease and just perfect--- even the pain was part of this unforgettable event and really didn’t matter. I realized that my meditation practice helped me a lot. If one is about to give birth to a new being nothing is more important than to be in the moment and to experience it to the fullest. But shouldn’t it be like that for everything in life?!? The fact that the birth took place at home in my own world with my loved ones by my side was such a gift. Until dawn we had a nice tea party and there was so much love in the room that I cried out of happiness at one point… I had Azita, my friend, as my doula. She gave me an acupuncture treatment, which helped me to calm down and also opened up my cervix--- that shortened my actual birthing time to about 4 hours. SINGA was born under a palm tree of a kid’s inflatable swimming pool at 9:30 AM. After a full moon night with a peace dove visiting us during dawn hours right when the first sunrays peaked over the fence… I am so grateful for every moment and everybody who was part of this, in person and in spirit! Thank YOU.
Something on the side for mommies to be: I can recommend a “doula” for everyone since she can aid you and make decisions for you if necessary. Especially in a hospital you might not know what to do or say at some point and then you can be sure that your doula will decide whatever is best for you. One other thing I would like to mention here is that every woman should try to give birth the natural way. It is so empowering to go through the whole process and experience every step the way it is meant to by nature. Unfortunately sometimes it’s not possible without medication. But today to many people are afraid of the natural way and instead schedule a caesarian way beforehand. They forget that it can also lead to many complications and is not the proper way for a child to come into this world… I will stop here before I go too far. But we know that everything starts in our mind. So simply know that we can do it and at least try!
Welcome to our myPouch Baby Blog!

this is SINGA and me--- we decided to start a blog to show you where myPouch came from and where it is the questions is: where to start?
let's start at the beginning!
So we have to catch up 1 3/4 years, when SINGA, our inspiration for myPouch was born. We will post many photos, a few short videos and some words for explaination and inspiration and we hope you will enjoy your time here at our blog!
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